March 2025:
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE25), March 3 - March 7, 2025.
FASTMath members are leading and will be presenting in two two-part minisymposia. The first is titled "FASTMath Advances in High-Performance Computing for Sparse Systems, Multilevel Methods, and Scientific Simulations" and will be held on Wednesday March 5, 2025.
What Makes "scidac" Scidac? The Future of Fastmath and Application Partnerships abstract
Dan Martin and Esmond G. Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.
Sparse Cholesky Factorization Utilizing GPUs abstract
M. Ozan Karsavuran and Esmond G. Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.; BARRY W. Peyton, Dalton State College, U.S.
Mixed Precision Algorithms in hypre abstract
Ulrike M. Yang, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.; Daniel Osei-Kuffuor, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, U.S.
2D Sparse Communication Methods for Maximum Weight Matching Applications on GPUs abstract
Michael Mandulak and George Slota, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, U.S.
FFTX: Speeding Up Kernels That Contain Fourier Transforms abstract
Peter McCorquodale, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows on GPUs abstract
Ann S. Almgren, Aaron M. Lattanzi, and Mahesh Natarajan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.; Eliot Quon, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S.; Hannah Klion and Jean M. Sexton, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.
Multi-Level Is the New Annealing: Efficiently Learning Posterior Densities Without Gradients Via Transport Maps abstract
Daniel Sharp, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.; Bart Waanders, Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.; Youssef M. Marzouk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.
Solving the Real-Time Boltzmann Transport Equation with Adaptive and Multirate Time Integration Methods abstract
Jia Yao and Ivan Maliyov, California Institute of Technology, U.S.; David J. Gardner and Carol S. Woodward, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, U.S.; Marco Bernardi, California Institute of Technology, U.S.
The second is titled "FASTMath Advances in Simulation, Optimization and Surrogate Modeling for Scientific Applications" and will be held on Friday March 7, 2025.
Overview of Fastmath abstract
Todd Munson, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.
Optimization of Fusion Simulations with Some Available Derivatives abstract
Evan Toler, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.
Advances in Fastmath Unstructured Mesh Components in Support of DOE Fusion Simulation Codes. abstract
Mark S. Shephard, Jacob S. Merson, and Onkar Sahni, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, U.S.; Mark Beall, Simmetrix Inc, U.S.; Cameron W. Smith, Dhyanjyoti Nath, Usman Riaz, and Fuad Hasan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, U.S.; Saurabh Tendulkar, Simmetrix Inc, U.S.
Mgard: Compression and Refactoring of Scientific Data with Variable-Order Polynomial Predictors abstract
Viktor Reshniak, Qian Gong, Scott Klasky, and Rick Archibald, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.
Tasmanian and Other Surrogate Modeling Approaches in Application to Liquid Metal Blanket Proble abstract
Tran Hoang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.
Portable Implementation of Large-Scale Simulation-Constrained Optimization Approaches for Bayesian Inference of Ice-Sheet Models abstract
Mauro Perego and Max Carlson, Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.; Trevor Hillebrand, Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S.; John D. Jakeman, Kim Liegeois, and Jerry Watkins, Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.
Towards Realistic QBO Representation Through Surrogate-Accelerated Multi-Objective Optimization abstract
Luis Damiano, Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.; Walter Hannah, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, U.S.; James Benedict, Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S.; Khachik Sargsyan, Bert J. Debusschere, and Michael S. Eldred, Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.
Multifidelity Bayesian Optimization for Steady-State Predictions using Gyrokinetic Simulations of Plasma Turbulence abstract
Pieterjan Robbe, Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.; Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Aaron Ho, and Nathan Howard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.; Chris Holland, University of California, San Diego, U.S.; Bert J. Debusschere, Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.
Many FASTMath team members will organize and/or present in other minisymposia as well. The CSE25 conference program can be found here.
January 2025:
Stefan Wild (LBL), a member of the FASTMath optimization team, was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on outstanding scientists and engineers early in their careers.
Carol Woodward (LLNL), the area lead of the FASTMath time discretization effort, started her two-year term as the President of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
April 2024:
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) announced the selection of FASTMath members Ulrike Meier Yang (LLNL) and Chao Yang (LBNL) as members of the 2024 Class of SIAM Fellows, the highest honor the organization bestows on its members.
January 2024:
Sherry Li (LBL), a member of the FASTMath solvers team, started her two-year term as the Vice President At Large of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).
August 2023:
The August FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 2:00pm Eastern on August 16, 2023. The speakers will be Steven Roberts from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Jacob Merson from RPI. The moderators will be Tyler Chang (ANL) and Viktor Reshniak (ORNL).
Julie Bessac (NREL) receives a FY2023 Early Career Research Program award. The title of her project is "Enhanced Fine-Scale Statistical Modeling of Environmental Extreme Events in Complex Systems from Multiple Sources".
June 2023:
The FASTMath Institute has a mid-term review on June 9, 2023.
April 2023:
The April FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 2:30pm Eastern on April 24, 2023. The speakers will be Cody Balos from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Jerry Watkins from Sandia National Laboratories. The moderators will be John Jakeman (SNL) and Victor Magri (LLNL).
March 2023:
The March FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 3:00pm Eastern on March 20, 2023. The speakers will be Marieme Ngom from Argonne National Laboratory and Yang Liu from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The moderators will be Julie Bessac (ANL) and Pieter Ghysels (LBNL).
The FES/ASCR SciDAC-5 Partnership Funding Opportunity Announcement DOE-FOA-0002924 was released on March 8, 2023.
February 2023:
The February FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 4:00pm Eastern on February 21, 2023. The speakers will be Christian Glusa from Sandia National Laboratories and Tobby Issac from Argonne National Laboratory. The moderators will be Tyler Chang (ANL) and Viktor Reshniak (ORNL).
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23), February 26 - March 3, 2023.
The SUNDIALS team has been awarded the 2023 SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering for "innovative research and development of nonlinear and differential/algebraic equation solvers for high-performance computing that provides unique, critical capabilities in the scientific software ecosystem". Team members include Carol S. Woodward (LLNL), Cody J. Balos (LLNL), Peter N. Brown (LLNL), David J. Gardner (LLNL), Alan C. Hindmarsh (LLNL), Daniel R. Reynolds (SMU), and Radu Serban (University of Wisconsin - Madison).
Daniel Martin (LBNL) and Jeffrey Larson (ANL) organized two 2-part minisymposia.
"High-Performance Computing in the FASTMath SciDAC-5 Institute" with the following speakers:
Todd Munson (ANL)
Andrew Nonaka (LBNL)
Carol Woodward (LLNL)
Hans Johansen (LBNL)
Doru Thom Popovici (LBNL)
Ulrike Yang (LLNL)
Richard Mills (ANL)
Peter McCorquodale (LBNL)
"Optimization, Design, and Machine Learning in the FASTMath SciDAC-5 Institute" with the following speakers:
Esmond Ng (LBNL)
Carlo Graziani (ANL)
Tyler Chang (ANL)
Christopher Brissette (RPI)
Feng Bao (Florida State University)
Hong Zhang (ANL)
Emil Constantinescu (ANL)
Tiernan Casey (SNL)
Many FASTMath team members organized and/or presented in other minisymposia as well. The CSE23 conference program can be found here.
January 2023:
The January FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 2:00pm Eastern on January 24, 2023. The speakers will be Ahmed Attia from Argonne National Laboratory. The moderators will be John Jakeman (SNL) and Victor Magri (LLNL).
October 2022:
The third FASTMath All-Hands Meeting is scheduled on October 6-7, 2022. It is a hybrid meeting.
September 2022:
DOE announced the NP/ASCR SciDAC-5 Partnership Awards. Three awards were made. FASTMath members will participate in all three projects.
DOE announced the HEP/ASCR SciDAC-5 Partnership Awards. Five awards were made. FASTMath members will participate in four of the five projects.
In cooperation with the DOE Office of Electricity, ASCR is funding two SciDAC Pilot Projects, involving both FASTMath and RAPIDS. FASTMath contributions will be in the areas of optimization, uncertainty quantification, data analytics, and machine learning.
"Space Weather Mitigation Planning", led by Arthur Barnes (LANL).
"Probabilistic Impact Scenarios for Extreme Weather Event Resilience", led by Jean-Paul Watson (LLNL).
August 2022:
DOE announced the NE/ASCR SciDAC-5 Partnership Awards. One award was made. FASTMath members will participate in the NE/ASCR SciDAC Partnership projects.
DOE announced the BER/ASCR SciDAC-5 Partnership Awards. Seven awards were made. FASTMath members will participate in six of the seven projects.
June 2022:
The May FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 2:00pm Eastern on June 28, 2022. The talks will focus on chemical sciences. The speakers will be Bryan Wong from University of Califronia, Riverside and Vojtech Vlcek from University of California, Santa Barbara. The moderators will be Cody Balos (LLNL) and Roel Van Beeumen (LBNL).
May 2022:
The May FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 4:00pm Eastern on May 20, 2022. The talks will focus on astrohysics and fusion. The speakers will be Michael Zingale from Stony Brook University and Yuxi Chen from Princeton University. The moderators will be Yang Liu (LBNL) and Ben Whitney (ORNL).
March 2022:
The February FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 11:00am Eastern on March 8, 2022. There is only presentation, which will be presented by James Amundson from FNAL and will focus on accelerator physics. The moderators will be Ahmed Attia (ANL) and Juliane Mueller (LBNL).
February 2022:
The February FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 3:00pm Eastern on February 16, 2022. The talks will focus on fusion science. The speakers will be David Green from ORNL and Jeff Candy from General Atomics. The moderators will be Cody Balos (LLNL) and Cameron Smith (RPI).
2022 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP22), February 23-26, 2022:
Sherry Li (LBNL) is a co-chair on the organizing committee.
Yang Liu (LBNL) and Sivasankaran Rajamanickam (SNL) serve on the Proceedings Paper Committee.
Ulrike Yang (LLNL) is a member of the Steering Committee.
Many FASTMath members will participate at the PP22 Conference. In particular, Andy Nonaka (LBNL) and David Gardner (LLNL) have organized a 3-part minisymposium at PP22. The title of the minisymposium is "Experiences in Developing GPU Support for DOE Math Libraries”. The PP22 conference program can be found here.
January 2022:
The January FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 4:00pm Eastern on January 31, 2022. The talks will focus on chemistry. The speakers are Thomas Maier from ORNL and Martin Head-Gordon from UC Berkeley/LBNL. The seminar will be moderated by Yang Liu (LBNL) and Ben Whitney (ORNL).
Recent recognizations of contributions by FASTMath members:
Sven Leyffer (Argonne) was recently elected as President of SIAM. He will serve a 2-term, starting January 1, 2023. Sven serves as President-Elect in 2022.
Rob Falgout (LLNL) has been awarded the 2022 SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing (SIAG/SC) Career Prize. He will deliver his prize talk, titled "Scaling in Space and Time", during the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing at 9:25am-9:55am Pacific on Friday, February 25, 2022.
Sherry Li (LBNL) and her co-authors have been awarded the 2022 SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing (SIAG/SC) Best Paper Prize. The paper, titled "Optimizing Communication-Avoiding Sparse LU Factorization on Multi-GPU Clusters" and authored by Piyush Sao (LBNL), Sherry Li, and Richard Vuduc (Georgia Tech), will be presented at 8:30am-9:15am on Friday, February 25, 2022 during the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing.
Sven Leyffer and Todd Munson (both at Argonne) also won the 2021 Best Paper Competition from Mathematical Programming Computation for the paper titled "Minotaur: A Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization Toolkit". The authors were Ashutosh Mahajan, Sven Leyffer, Jeffrey Linderoth, Jim Luedtke, and Todd Munson.
December 2021:
The NP/ASCR SciDAC-5 Partnership Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-0002589 was released on December 22, 2021.
The NE/ASCR SciDAC-5 Partnership Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-0002592 was released on December 14, 2021.
November 2021:
The FASTMath and RAPIDS SciDAC Institutes collaborated and collected a set of webinars that highlight the interest, expertise, and work on AI/ML in the two projects. Rick Archibald, Todd Munson, and Habib Najm from FASTMath and Prasanna Balaprakash and Shinjae Yoo from RAPIDS spearheaded the effort. There was a kick-off meeting describing the webinars on November 18, 2021. The FASTMath AI/ML webinars can be found at and the RAPIDS AI/ML webinars can be found at
The BER/ASCR SciDAC-5 Partnership Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-0002585 was released on November 22, 2021.
The HEP/ASCR SciDAC-5 Partnership Program Announcement LAB 22-2580 was released on November 3, 2021.
October 2021:
The second FASTMath All-Hands Meeting is scheduled on October 28, 2021. It is a virtual meeting.
The October FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 4:00pm Eastern on October 26, 2021. Dr. Eirik Edeve Price from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Dr. Robert Edwards from Jefferson Laboratory will present math and computational challenges encountered by the nuclear physics community.
September 2021:
The September FASTMath Seminar has been scheduled at 4:00pm Eastern on September 14, 2021. Dr. Stephen Price from Los Alamos National Laboratory and Dr. Peter Bosler from Sandia National Laboratories will present math and computational challenges encountered by the climate community.
July 2021:
The first FASTMath Seminar took place on July 29, 2021. Dr. Stephen Jardin and Dr. Choong-Seock Chang, both from Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory gave presentations on their respective SciDAC-4 projects in Fusion Energy Sciences. Additional information is available here. Yang Liu was the host.
The SciDAC Coordination Committee organized a Get-Together event on July 28, 2021, which included two technical panels and a networking session.
DOE announced the BES/ASCR SciDAC-5 Partnership Awards. Five awards were made. FASTMath members will participate in four of the five projects.
March 2021:
Robert D. Falgout and Nabib N. Najm were elected to the 2021 Class of SIAM Fellows.
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE21), March 1-5, 2021
Esmond G. Ng and Karen D. Devine organized a 2-part minisymposium, titled "Impacts of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science on DOE Computational Science". The speakers were
Cameron W. Smith (RPI)
Victor A. Paludetto Magri (LLNL)
Bert J. Debusschere (SNL)
Osni A. Marques (LBNL)
Mauro Perego (SNL)
Scott Klasky (ORNL)
Prasanna Balaprakash (ANL)
Katherine M. Johnston (SNL)
Ben Whitney (ORNL)
Todd Munson (ANL)
January 2021:
An article on the two SciDAC-5 Institutes was published in SIAM News.
Carol Woodward was elected to the 2021 Class of AWM Fellows.
December 2020:
FASTMath hosted a webinar for the SciDAC community on December 16, 2020. The video and slides can be found at here.
FASTMath hosted a project-wide discussion on AI/ML on December 7, 2020.
The BES/ASCR SciDAC-5 Partnership Funding Opportunity Announcement DOE-FOA-0002441 was released on December 9, 2020.
November 2020:
The first FASTMath All-Hands Meeting was held on November 19-20, 2020.
Esmond G. Ng was elected to the 2020 Class of AAAS Fellows.
August 2020:
The SciDAC-5 FASTMath Institute was funded.