SciDAC Partnerships
The SciDAC-5 FASTMath Institute is actively collaborating with SciDAC Partnership projects.
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FASTMath is engaging with 20 SciDAC-5 Partnerships
Basic Energy Sciences
Traversing the “death valley” separating short and long times in non-equilibrium quantumdynamical simulations of real materials
Lead Investigator: Garnet Chan, California Institute of TechnologyProvide support for solution of eigenvalue problems and time integration
Relativistic Quantum Dynamics in the Non-equilibrium Regime
Lead Investigator: Eugene DePrice, Florida State UniversityProvide support for solution of eigenvalue problems
Large-scale algorithms and software for modeling chemical reactivity in complex systems
Lead Investigator: Martin Head-Gordon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California - BerkeleyProvide support for solution of eigenvalue problems and linear solvers
Real-time dynamics of driven correlated electrons in quantum materials
Lead Investigator: Vojtech Vlcek, University of California - Santa BarbaraProvide support for solution of eigenvalue problems and multiscale embedding
Biological and Environmental Research
Improving the Quasi‐biennial oscillation through surrogate‐ accelerated parameter optimization and vertical grid modification
Lead Inestigator: James Benedict, LANLCapturing the Dynamics of Compound Flooding in E3SM
Lead Investigator: Gautam Bisht, PNNLMPAS‐O/ROMS Comparison, Nesting, and Coupling for Improved Representation and Parameterization of Coastal and Submesoscale Ocean Processes in E3SM
Lead Investigator: Robert Hetland, PNNLFramework for Antarctic System Science In E3SM
Lead Investigator: Matt Hoffman, LANLImproved Coupled Climate Simulations in E3SM Through Enhanced Sea-Ice Mechanics
Lead Investigator: Deborah Sulsky, University of New MexicoPhysical, Accurate, and Efficient Atmosphere and Surface Coupling Across Scales
Lead Investigator: Hui Wan, PNNL
High Energy Physics
Multiscale acceleration: Powering future discoveries in High Energy Physics
Lead Investigator: Peter Boyle, BNLEnabling Cosmic Discoveries in the Exascale Era
Lead Investigator: Katrin Heitman, ANLNext-Generation Precision for Neutrino and Collider Computations
Lead Investigator: Noemi Rocco, FNALCollaboration for Advanced Modeling of Particle Accelerators
Lead Investigator: Jean-Luc Vay, LBNL
Nuclear Physics
Femtoscale Imaging of Nuclei using Exascale Platforms
Lead Investigator: Ian Cloet, ANLFundamental nuclear physics at the exascale and beyond
Lead Investigator: Robert Edwards, JLabSciDAC‐5 Nuclear Computational Low Energy Initiative (NUCLEI)
Lead Investigator: Thomas Papenbrock, University of Tennessee, Knoxville & ORNL
Nuclear Energy
Simulation of the Response of Structural Metals in Molten Salt Environment
Lead Investigator: Laurent Capolungo, LANL
Office of Electricity
Probabilistic Impact Scenarios for Extreme Weather Event Reslience
Lead Investigator: Jean-Paul Watson, SNLLead Investigator: Space Weather Mitigation Planning
Lead Investigator: Russell Bent, LANL
FASTMath engaged with 23 SciDAC-4 Partnerships
Basic Energy Sciences
Advancing Catalysis Modeling: From Atomistic Chemistry to Whole System Simulation
Lead Investigator: Martin Head-Gordon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California, BerkeleyProvide support for solution of linear systems and solution of eigenvalue problems
Computational Framework for Unbiased Studies of Correlated Electron Systems
Lead Investigator: Thomas Maier, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryProvide support for data analytics
Topological and Correlated Matter via Tensor Networks and Quantum Monte Carlo
Lead Investigator: Thomas Devereaux, SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryProvide support for solution of eigenvalue problems
Biological and Environmental Research
Adaptive Vertical Grid Enhancement for ACME
Lead Investigator: Takanobu Yamaguchi, CIRES at the University of Colorado at BoulderProvide support for structured mesh discretization
A New Discrete Element Sea-ice Model for Earth System Modeling
Lead Investigator: Adrian Turner, Los Alamos National LaboratoryProvide support for unstructured mesh discretization
Assessing and Improving the Numerical Solution of Atmospheric Physics in ACME
Lead Investigator: Hui Wan, Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryProvide support for time integration
Optimization of Sensor Networks for Improving Climate Model Predictions
Lead Investigator: Daniel Ricciuto, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryProvide support for uncertainty quantification
Probabilistic Sea-Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models
Lead Investigators: Stephen Price, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Esmond G. Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryProvide support for structured mesh discretization, unstructured mesh discretization, solution of linear and nonlinear systems, numerical optimization, and uncertainty quantification
Fusion Energy Sciences
AToM: Advanced Tokamak Modeling Environment
Lead Investigator: Jeff Candy, General AtomicsProvide support for structured mesh discretization
Center for Integrated Simulation of Fusion Relevant RF Actuators
Lead Investigator: Paul Bonoli, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyProvide support for unstructured mesh discretization
Center for Tokamak Transients Simulations
Lead Investigator: Stephen Jardin, Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoryProvide support for solution of linear systems
ISEP: Integrated Simulation of Energetic Particles in Burning Plasmas
Lead Investigator: Zhihong Lin, University of California, IrvineProvide support for solution of linear systems
Partnership Center for High-fidelity Boundary Plasma Simulation
Lead Investigator: C.-S. Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoryProvide support for unstructured mesh discretization, solution of linear systems, and data analytics
Partnership for Multiscale Gyrokinetic (MGK) Turbulence
Lead Investigator: David Hatch, University of Texas, AustinProvide support for time integration and solution of nonlinear systems
Plasma Surface Interactions: Predicting the Performance and Impact of Dynamic PFC Surfaces
Lead Investigator: Brian Wirth, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryProvide support for unstructured mesh discretization, solution of linear systems, and uncertainty quantification
Simulation Center for Runaway Electron Avoidance and Mitigation (SCREAM)
Lead Investigator: Dylan Brennan, Princeton Plasma Physics LaboratoryProvide support for unstructured mesh discretization and solution of linear systems
Tokamak Disruption Simulation
Lead Investigator: Xianzhu Tang, Los Alamos National LaboratoryProvide support for unstructured mesh discretization, solution of linear systems, and uncertainty quantification
High-Energy Physics
Accelerating HEP Science: Inference and Machine Learning at Extreme Scales
Lead Investigator: Salman Habib, Argonne National LaboratoryProvide support for numerical optimization
Community Project for Accelerator Science and Simulation 4 (ComPASS4)
Lead Investigator: James Amundson, Fermi National Accelerator LaboratoryProvide support for structured mesh discretization, solution of linear systems, and numerical optimization
HEP Data Analytics on HPC
Lead Investigator: James Kowalkowski, Fermi National Accelerator LaboratoryProvide support for numerical optimization
Nuclear Energy
Simulation of Fission Gas in Uranium Oxide Nuclear Fuel
Lead Investigator: A. David Andersson, Los Alamos National LaboratoryProvide support for solution of linear systems and uncertainty quantification
Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Computational Low-Energy Initiative (NUCLEI)
Lead Investigator: Joseph Carlson, Los Alamos National LaboratoryProvide support for time integration, solution of eigenvalue problems, and numerical optimization
Towards Exascale Astrophysics of Mergers and Supernovae (TEAMS)
Lead Investigator: William Hix, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryProvide support for structured mesh discretization